Creating and Visualizing DataFrames

Base on DataCamp

Visualizing your data

Plots are a powerful way to share the insights we've gained from our data.

  • Histogram shows the distribution of a numeric variable.

  • Bar plots shows relationships between a categorical variable and a numeric variable, like gender and height

  • Line plots are great for visualizing changes in numeric variables over time.

  • Scatter plots are great for visualizing relationships between two numeric variables.

# Import matplotlib.pyplot with alias plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Look at the first few rows of data

# Get the total number of avocados sold of each size
nb_sold_by_size = avocados.groupby('size')['nb_sold'].sum()
# print(nb_sold_by_size)

# Create a bar plot of the number of avocados sold by size

# Show the plot

Changes in sales over time

# Import matplotlib.pyplot with alias plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Get the total number of avocados sold on each date
nb_sold_by_date = avocados.groupby('date')['nb_sold'].sum()

# Create a line plot of the number of avocados sold by date

# Show the plot

Avocado supply and demand

# Scatter plot of avg_price vs. nb_sold with title
avocados.plot(kind='scatter',x='nb_sold', y='avg_price',title='Number of avocados sold vs. average price')

# Show the plot

Price of conventional vs. organic avocados

# Histogram of conventional avg_price 

# Histogram of organic avg_price

# Add a legend
plt.legend(['conventional', 'organic'])

# Show the plot

# Modify histogram transparency to 0.5 
avocados[avocados["type"] == "conventional"]["avg_price"].hist(alpha=0.5)

# Modify histogram transparency to 0.5
avocados[avocados["type"] == "organic"]["avg_price"].hist(alpha=0.5)

# Add a legend
plt.legend(["conventional", "organic"])

# Show the plot

# Modify bins to 20
avocados[avocados["type"] == "conventional"]["avg_price"].hist(alpha=0.5, bins=20)

# Modify bins to 20
avocados[avocados["type"] == "organic"]["avg_price"].hist(alpha=0.5, bins=20)

# Add a legend
plt.legend(["conventional", "organic"])

# Show the plot

Missing values

We could be given a DataFrame that has missing values. When we first get a DataFrame, it's a good idea to get a sense of whether it contains any missing values, and if so, how many. We can inspect missing values using isna() method then we get a Boolean for every single value indicating whether the value is missing or not, but this isn't very helpful when we're working with a lot of data. Since taking the sum of Booleans is the same thing as counting the number of Trues, we can combine sum with isna() to count the number of NaNs in each column and we also can plot it using a bar plot to get insight. We can remove the missing values from our data set or fill it with others values to handle missing values.

Finding missing values

# Import matplotlib.pyplot with alias plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Check individual values for missing values

# Check each column for missing values

# Bar plot of missing values by variable

# Show plot

Removing missing values

# Remove rows with missing values
avocados_complete = avocados_2016.dropna()

# Check if any columns contain missing values
date               False
avg_price          False
total_sold         False
small_sold         False
large_sold         False
xl_sold            False
total_bags_sold    False
small_bags_sold    False
large_bags_sold    False
xl_bags_sold       False
dtype: bool

Replacing missing values

# List the columns with missing values
cols_with_missing = ["small_sold", "large_sold", "xl_sold"]

# Create histograms showing the distributions cols_with_missing

# Show the plot

# From previous step
cols_with_missing = ["small_sold", "large_sold", "xl_sold"]

# Fill in missing values with 0
avocados_filled = avocados_2016.fillna(0)

# Create histograms of the filled columns

# Show the plot

Creating DataFrame

There are many ways to create DataFrames from scratch, but we'll discuss two ways: from a list of dictionaries and from a dictionary of lists. In the first method, the DataFrame is built up row by row, while in the second method, the DataFrame is built up column by column.

List of dictionaries

# Create a list of dictionaries with new data
avocados_list = [
    {'date': '2019-11-03', 'small_sold': 10376832, 'large_sold': 7835071},
    {'date': "2019-11-10", 'small_sold': 10717154, 'large_sold': 8561348}

# Convert list into DataFrame
avocados_2019 = pd.DataFrame(avocados_list)

# Print the new DataFrame

Dictionary of lists

# Create a dictionary of lists with new data
avocados_dict = {
  "date": ["2019-11-17", "2019-12-01"    ],
  "small_sold": [10859987,9291631    ],
  "large_sold": [7674135,6238096]

# Convert dictionary into DataFrame
avocados_2019 = pd.DataFrame(avocados_dict)

# Print the new DataFrame

Reading and writing CSVs

CSV, or comma-separated values, is a common data storage file type. It's designed to store tabular data, just like a pandas DataFrame.

CSV to DataFrame

# Read CSV as DataFrame called airline_bumping
airline_bumping = pd.read_csv('airline_bumping.csv')

# Take a look at the DataFrame
# From previous step
airline_bumping = pd.read_csv("airline_bumping.csv")

# For each airline, select nb_bumped and total_passengers and sum
airline_totals = airline_bumping.groupby('airline')[['nb_bumped', 'total_passengers']].sum()
# From previous steps
airline_bumping = pd.read_csv("airline_bumping.csv")
airline_totals = airline_bumping.groupby("airline")[["nb_bumped", "total_passengers"]].sum()

# Create new col, bumps_per_10k: no. of bumps per 10k passengers for each airline
airline_totals["bumps_per_10k"] = airline_totals['nb_bumped'] / airline_totals['total_passengers'] * 10000
# From previous steps
airline_bumping = pd.read_csv("airline_bumping.csv")
airline_totals = airline_bumping.groupby("airline")[["nb_bumped", "total_passengers"]].sum()
airline_totals["bumps_per_10k"] = airline_totals["nb_bumped"] / airline_totals["total_passengers"] * 10000

# Print airline_totals

DataFrame to CSV

# Create airline_totals_sorted
airline_totals_sorted = airline_totals.sort_values('bumps_per_10k', ascending=False)

# Print airline_totals_sorted

# Save as airline_totals_sorted.csv