Table of contents
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
Built With
Semantic HTML5 markup
Mobile-first approach
CSS Grid
CSS Flexbox
CSS3 Variable
My Process
Searching how to link css file in html
Learn Semantic HTML
Slicing UI to Semantic HTML
Because design doesn’t contains any header or footer. i think it should be built like this
<main>: Card Container
<figure>: Thumbnail
- <img>: display image
<section class=”content-container”>: Content
<article>: Hold header content and paragraph
<h1>: Because semantic html should be started with h1 then i start with h1
<p>: no explanation needed
<section class=”statistics”>: Statistics Data
<section class=”data-container”>: Hold each data
<div class=”data-value”>: because there is no need to make the number as a header
<div class=”data-label”>: clear enough
Define Design System based on styleguide
Define Breakpoint for Mobile and Landscape
Mobile - Design (375px)
Max-width: 1007px
Min-Width: Unspecified
Desktop - Design (1440px)
Min-Width: 1008px
Max-Width: Unspecified
Color Tokens
### Primary - Very dark blue (main background): hsl(233, 47%, 7%) - Dark desaturated blue (card background): hsl(244, 38%, 16%) - Soft violet (accent): hsl(277, 64%, 61%) ### Neutral - White (main heading, stats): hsl(0, 0%, 100%) - Slightly transparent white (main paragraph): hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.75) - Slightly transparent white (stat headings): hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.6)
There are 2 grouped colors (Primary and Neutral). but i’ll define it and group it by its functionality
Background (main background before) → hsl(233, 47%, 7%)
Primary (Card background). I think it is the primary color → hsl(244, 38%, 16%)
Accent → hsl(277, 64%, 61%)
Content: Content color with three level
content-root: hsl(0, 0%, 100%)
content-soft: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.6)
content-main: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.75)
Family: Inter Weights: 400, 700
Family: Lexend Deca Weights: 400
General (Body)
- Font size: 15px
Typography Token
H1 - to be resolve, because no much information provided
Body - 15px
Title - to be resolve, because no much information provided
Subtitle - to be resolve, because no much information provided
Create CSS Variable for store color
Make it responsive for Desktop using media query with minimum width is 1008px
Lesson Learned
Link CSS file to HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
Semantic HTML
<header>: The header tag defines content that should be considered the introductory information of a page or section
<nav>: The navigation tag is used for navigation links. It can be nested within the
tag, but secondary navigation<nav>
tags are also commonly used elsewhere on the page.<main>: This tag contains the main content (also called the body) of a page. There should be only one tag per page.
<article>: The article tag defines content that could stand independently of the page or site it’s on. It does not necessarily mean a “blog post.” Think of it more as “an article of clothing”—a self-contained item that can be used in various contexts. Use when there is starting from
and contains<p>
after header<section>: Using
is a way of grouping nearby content of a similar theme. A section tag differs from an article tag. It isn’t necessarily self-contained, but it forms part of something else.<aside>: An aside element defines content that’s less important. It’s often used for sidebars—areas that add complementary but nonessential information.
<footer>: You use
at the bottom of a page. It usually includes contact information, copyright information, and some site navigation.<figure>: used to encapsulate media such as an image, diagram, or code snippet.
Break Point from Microsoft
| Size class | Breakpoints | Typical screen size | Devices | Window Sizes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Small | up to 640px | 20" to 65" | TVs | 320x569, 360x640, 480x854 | | Medium | 641 - 1007px | 7" to 12" | Tablets | 960x540 | | Large | 1008px and up | 13" and up | PCs, Laptops, Surface Hub | 1024x640, 1366x768, 1920x1080 |
CSS Variable
/* Variable Definition */ :root { --main-bg-color: coral; --main-txt-color: blue; --main-padding: 15px; } /* Usage */ #div1 { background-color: var(--main-bg-color); color: var(--main-txt-color); padding: var(--main-padding); }
Set Background overlay color image aka tint
/* HTML Tree figure |--- img */ /* Add background to img parent */ figure { margin: 0; background-color: var(--accent); } /* set display to block and mix-blend-mode multiply */ img { display: block; mix-blend-mode: multiply; }
/* To limit the styles to devices with a screen, we can chain the media features to the screen media type: */ @media screen and (min-width: 1008px){ /* … */ }